Here are the 10 most-viewed stories from our 2018 blog
sign ordinance
In August of 2017 we launched a new website which integrated the previous site with the previously separate blog. The site is built on WordPress, a platform which makes content more easily findable on the internet. As a result we see that several older blog posts are among those most read in 2018.Paul Montagno and former planner Matt Lonnerstater’s article, Strategies to increase civic engagement at the local level, was #6 on last year’s list but was number one on the 2018 hit parade. Chris Nordstrom’s Pocket parks’ benefits are bigger than their size suggests was #1 in 2017 and #2 this year. Sally Elmiger’s An overview of oil and gas regulation in Michigan is as relevant today as it was when she wrote it in 2014.The Scio Township master plan came in fourth, followed by Two CWA clients honored by planners at MAP/MML conference and then Dick Carlisle leads with his heart, reporting on Dick’s 2018 campaign to bring a chapter of Best Buddies, a service program for people with developmental and learning disabilities, to Michigan.Your sign ordinance may be unconstitutional from 2016 made the top 10 again this year. In 2015, Sally wrote Site Plan Review 101 for the Michigan Association of Planning magazine, an article that remains an excellent primer for new professional planners. The only 2018 story to make the top 10 list is Up next: Micro-units and dorms for grown-ups?We’re a little mystified at the last entry in our top 10, Deadline for Michigan’s regional prosperity grants is November 1, because it’s from 2013.Read all our news and information as soon as it’s posted by subscribing to our blog, using the box on the right. We publish an occasional enewsletter throughout the year with links to blog content. Click here to subscribe to the newsletter.Happy new year!