New staff expand Carlisle/Wortman’s capacity
The addition of Katherine McCreight to the staff has expanded Carlisle/Wortman Associates’ ability to provide graphic design services that help communities present their plans and concepts. She has a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and has worked as a freelance and staff artist. Katherine is also the voice you’ll hear answering the phones most days.
Kris Kleinsmith has joined the firm as an associate planner. He previously worked as an assistant planner in the City of Monroe. He received his bachelor’s degree in urban planning from Eastern Michigan University.Kris is assigned primarily to Green Oak Township, where he’s worked on the master plan and is training a new zoning administrator. He also assists in the City of Troy, Pittsfield Township, Orion Township and Howell Township.
Matt Lonnerstater and Alex Stankovich are interning at CWA. Both are pursuing master’s degrees in urban planning at the University of Michigan. Lonnerstater says he’s enjoyed working on a zoning consolidation study for Orion Township. Stankovich helped develop design guidelines for Pittsfield Township’s portion of ReImagine Washtenaw.